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This is your fast-track from "Dollars For Hours" to Monetizing Your Passions While Helping Others And Changing The World With Your Unique Gifts.





Oct 18th & 19th (12pm EST - 4pm EST)

Stuck in The "Dollars For Hours" rut? Learn My proven Method that generates $25k+ per month WITHOUT WORKING With clients or For a Boss, Or Having To Find Cold Leads Or Do Sales. YUCK!

Important question for People who WANT To Change The World BUT can’t seem to Figure Out What They NEED In Order To Make Money Online (without a job, without clients etc)

What’s The ONLY Difference Between People "Making It Online"

And Those Who Are Stuck In The Dollars For Hours Trap?

If you guessed:

  • "more social media", you’d be wrong...
  • "latest sales funnels", you’d be wrong...
  • "a PAID advertising budget", you’d be wrong...

And if you guessed "a sales team"…

… You’d still be oh-so-wrong.

Because here’s the 100% "As God As My Witness" truth…

The #1 Reason that YOU are stuck in the dollars for hours trap, is because 99.99% of marketers are scammers, liars, untrained and won't tell you their secrets because they are just looking for your money.

I said what I said. I'm Jennifer; the UN-marketer.

And it PISSES ME OFF to see so many good people being taken advantage of by others in my own industry.

Do you see these "bropreneurs" earning online and think, "Something's gotta be wrong with me". or "They must have something I don't".

That's NOT TRUE and I don't want you to think that way for one more day!

Perhaps you've tried marketing before, but it just didn't seem to work out.

That "marketing guru" you paid to help you? He took your money and then left you high nd dry after confusing you even more.

It's nothing less than criminal and half of these people should be sued right out of running any service business that claims to be "serving" others. 

I've actually seen marketers charge $15,000 to "let" their students promote the teacher's business. WHAT?!?

You don't CHARGE people to promote you! In fact, you PAY them!!! 🤦‍♀️

Dear God, humanity needs some SERIOUS help. And that's why I'm here.

 *** Your Purpose + My Path = YOUR Profits ***

You've already climbed mountains to get to where you are today.

You've worked your ass off your whole life. You know there's something inside of you just dying to come out. You know that your gifts can help the world if you could just make the necessary money to get your time back.

But that's the exact CATCH 22 that has led you here today.

Even with all the resources that exist online and all the hours you've spent researching or doing, you just can't seem to figure out what's missing and why you are still stuck year after year when others seem to be climbing...

“Why!? I Know I have A Gift Inside To help The World… why can’t I do it?”

Here's the kicker - it's not you, it's THEM & THEIR HIDDEN secrets.

There's a reason people haven't succeeded by using marketing tactics before, many actually:

  • Marketers aren't trained (zero training required to take $ from clients)
  • Ethics don't exist in marketing (actually: unethical tactics are taught)
  • Marketing doesn't have a clear path defined from A to Z (until now)
  • Gurus at the top won't SHARE the whole big picture from start to finish
  • No software exists to "Click and Launch" (...yet... wink, wink)
  • ​Marketers are ONLY pushing their "one thing" & aren't well-rounded

BUT let’s be honest, You Already know that every failure takes You one step closer to success…

… So You're Ready, But how many more

failures can you really take?

How many more social media posts can you make or paid ad campaigns can you launch only to find that the money didn't match the expectations?

How many agencies or consultants can you hire, convinced by their confident promise of a “winning strategy”… only to end up with less money than before you hired them?

The Time Is NOW To Bring your gift to the world and redefine your path, purpose and passion so you can combine it all into profits.

Time to get you OUT of going to a job or out of your own business and get you into waking up each morning, grabbing your phone, seeing your sales numbers and saying "OMG! I don't have to work today!" 

Imagine how it would FEEL to wake up in your new reality with a sense of purpose and excitement about your gifts!

Your creative energy is flowing again, no longer clogged up by the never-ending grind of mere survival.

You're right where you should be, pouring your all into serving your audience, free from the never-ending treadmill of business worry.

And that is a reality worth living.

That is what you are here on earth to do.

We are all waiting for you and your gifts to help us.

Your audience is right around the corner looking for the solutions that you provide...

Why keep them waiting?

Are You Feeling That Energy Starting To Flow Again?

Free Yourself From These Three Lies Right Now

If You Want passive income to be Your Reality...

lie #1

"I Need To Go Learn Something New To Make New Money"

People are awakening to what's inside themselves, not something that is outside of us. Everything you need is already in there, just dying to come out like a grounded 10 year old. 

Stop trying to do a million things when the ONE THING you need is burning like a fire in your soul.

The creator put you here complete with a specialized blueprint and a success plan. There is no way that you were sent with a recipe to fail. That's not even logical. 

Your gifts are inside. Everything you want is on the other side of fear and Passions To Profits is the path to get there.

lie #2

“No One Will Want What I

REALLY Want To Share”

What if Jesus had thought that? Thousands of years later people are STILL wanting to hear his words and wisdom that were inside of him.

What if Oprah thought that? Tony Robbins? Any one thinking about writing a book? A teacher?

You get the point. There will ALWAYS be an audience for "your thing". You just haven't figured out how to find that tribe hiding in plain sight on the interwebs. 

Making money online isn't about some new tactic or social media platform, it's about bringing out what's already inside of you and then getting it out there to the masses in a way that feels good and flows like the Nile River.

lie #3

"I'll Need To Buy Expensive Software & Be Technically Savvy"

Everyone is worried about expenses with the cost of EVERYTHING rising. What if there was a way to launch it all for free and still make money? WHAT?!?! HOW?!?

I'll answer that below AND this isn't just some marketing formula that works one time. This is a tool I am gifting you for life. You will use it for EVERYTHING from here on out.

Is This Even Possible?

Look at these Every Day people who Didn't Let

Anything Stop Them From Launching Their Passions...

This is only A Portion of ONE graduating class...

And now that they know this formula,

they can keep growing their passive income step by step.

But Wait... Who The Heck Are You

To Teach Me All Of This?"

Marketing Strategist | Marketing Agency Owner Since 1996

Jennifer Goodwin has been in the marketing industry since 1996 when she launched Designer Drafting, Inc for Interior Designers while still in college for Architecture

Her ethical marketing standards have stood the test of time while the fly-by-night marketers come and go, taking people's money along the way and then disappearing because they couldn't cut it when the REAL work had to be delivered to their clients.

As part of Accenture's Public Relations team, Hewlett Packard's web strategy team and a 25 year Agency Owner, Jennifer has seen every segment of marketing and became a highly sought-after Marketing Strategist for thousands of companies over the years.

She's been published in over 100 Media Outlets and is a Keynote Speaker on Technology, Entrepreneurship and Cyber Security.
Her charity for Veterans ensured that service men and women had what they needed to bring their leadership to the internet when they wanted to step into entrepreneurship.

She's the inventor of TheGoodwinMethod™️ which organized all of marketing into 5 simple phases that anyone can use to achieve success.
After retiring from client work in 2019, and about to build TGM™️ into software to help millions of people launch their dreams using technology, she was faced with the calling to battle the 2020 nonsense happening around the world.

Miss Goodwin answered that calling by teaching people the difference between law and LEGAL (a very hidden and heavy topic) and did so until May of 2023 when she returned to her real passion of inspiring others to bring out what is hiding inside of themselves: a gift for the world.  Jennifer ifs currently helping others leave the "dollars for hours grind" and monetize their gifts using her 3-decade, proven strategies and launching "Passions To Profits" bootcamps a few times per year.  Now more than ever, Jennifer can help others quickly launch online and change their lives into the reality they dream of.

MISSION: "I'm here to change marketing from the scummy, scammy, bropreneur pitch-fest that it is, to a feel-good, solution factory that allows anyone to get paid from the work they love."

I'm revolutionizing the industry with TheGoodwinMethod™️ (systems, ethics and morals) so that ANYONE can use TGM™️ to launch their dreams affordably and effortlessly without having to worry about knowing technology or getting taken advantage of by some "marketing guru".

I'm sharing my secrets and solutions in LIVE TGM™️ events to fund marketing software and gather even more testimonials along the way.

Never before has ANYONE in the marketing industry ever organized ALL THE MOVING PARTS into one simple process. EVER.

I repeat: This has never been done. (Leave it to a woman to organize it all and make it pretty and fun too!) 😂

The Passions To Profits 2-Day Virtual Experience




Oct 18th & 19th (12pm EST - 4pm EST)

Stuck In The "Dollars For Hours" Rut? Learn My Proven Method That Generates $25k+ Per Month

WITHOUT WORKING With Clients Or For A Boss, Or Having To Find Cold Leads Or Do Sales. YUCK!

This Is Your Fast-Track From "Dollars For Hours" To Monetizing Your Passions

While Helping Others And Changing The World With Your Unique Gifts.

Get Ready for a 2-day virtual Experience 

that’s so much more than just...Well,

anything you've seen from anyone so far.

Show up and you’ll peek behind the curtain and learn the exact model I have used for every single customer to make the switch from "dollars for hours" to Passive Profits.

Like clockwork.⏰

You're not just going to peek inside my agency boiler room, you're going to DO some of the work yourself and follow along as I teach you this simple framework.

This is the ultimate marketing crash course that no one ever told you but it should have been the FIRST thing you learned or paid for.

You’ll be filled to the brim with solid steps and strategies; you’ll be eager to dash back to your business and kick-start the Shift To Success.

In short, you won’t just be attending an event - you’ll be kick-starting your journey to results that could have you doing a victory dance around your office ASAP.

So, buckle up, it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

Here's Exactly What You'll Get...

  •  2 Days Of Live Training designed to give you everything you need to shift into Passive Income and get your time back.
  • ​Access to a 3-decade marketing mentor that will give you exactly what you have been asking for: the answers.
  • ​As many templates, links and bonuses that I can gather to make sure you have everything you need.
This 2-day LIVE Event will show you my exact "Passions to Profits" Model So you can replicate it for any idea, skill or passion that you have.

All you need to do is click the button below to save your space now!

On Top Of Learning My Exact "Passions To Profits" Model,

Here's Some Of The Intricate Details You're Going To Learn

During Both Value-Packed Days

  •  Harness The Untamed Power Of Ethical Persuasion: Learn How To Coax Your Prospects’ Frontal Lobes To Orchestrate Their Buying Behavior To Your Tune.
  • ​Evade The Chilling, Profit-Bleeding Abyss Of The Business ‘Friend Zone’ – Learn How To Make ’Em Salivate For Your Offer Instead Of Just ‘Liking’ You.
  • Unearth The Trust Escalation Model – A Step-By-Step Blueprint To Catapult Your Credibility And Forge Iron-Clad Trust At Warp Speed.
  • ​Peel Back The Veil On The Cryptic ‘Monetization Multipliers’ – Discover The Secret Mechanisms That Could Catapult You Into The Million-Dollar-A-Month Club.
  • ​​Control The Invisible Strings Of ‘Parasocial Relationships’ – Forge A Hypnotic Brand With Fanatics Who’ll Follow You To The Ends Of The Earth.
  • ​Witness My Raw Confession: A Gruesome $900K Loss In A Single Month, And How You Can Dodge This Catastrophic Pitfall.
  • How To Knock Down Your ‘Big Domino’ – Unleash A Tidal Wave Of Conversions And Let The Profits Pour In!
  • ​Delve Into The Murky Depths Of NLP In Marketing – Harness This Covert Psychological Weapon To Serve More People And Inflate Your Bottom Line.
  • Step Into The Lurid Backstage Of Our Operation: Witness The Naked Truth Behind Our Million-Dollar Months – Buckle Up, These Numbers Are Not For The Faint-Hearted!
  • ​Decode The ‘Three R’ Enigma For Exponential Growth – A Secret Formula Known Only To Industry Elites.
  • Crack The Code Of The ‘Snowball Momentum’ – How A Seemingly Innocent Hour Could Transform Into A Relentless $200K Monthly Cash Avalanche. (Prepare to be stunned when you hear the whole story!)


"I'm getting so much value...

I've been dabbling in marketing for years, but nobody taught me the formula."

~ Shari Snyder

"It's an absolute must if you are searching for a way to make Money and not sure how to start, Jennifer walks you through it and is amazingly patient. She has great talent and shares it with you. No one comes close to what she is offering."

~ Kathleen Acker

Review by Erica Neely

Testimonial by R. Keck

Review by Jill Landrie

Testimonial: Johnathan King

Anita at Funnel Fair

Testimonial by Eli Fuentes

"Should I Do This or Not?"

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." 

Benjamin Franklin

I spent 3 decades doing every single piece of marketing along the way.

I did it myself. I learned the hard way.

I invested 30 years learning, trying, testing, organizing, creating and what came out the other end of that "lifelong apprenticeship" was:

An organized way to go from start to finish without ever needing to worry about budget or direction. 

The FORMULA guides the way.

The formula is part of TheGoodwinMethod™️ but I'm just the portal it came through. It's here for ALL OF US to use.

"The biggest risk of all is not taking one." — Mellody Hobson

Let's lock arms and create the new future together. Are you in? 

The Passions To Profits 2-Day Virtual Experience




Oct 18th & 19th (12pm EST - 4pm EST)

Stuck In The "Dollars For Hours" Rut? Learn My Proven Method That Generates $25k+ Per Month

WITHOUT WORKING With Clients Or For A Boss, Or Having To Find Cold Leads Or Do Sales. YUCK!

This Is Your Fast-Track From "Dollars For Hours" To Monetizing Your Passions

While Helping Others And Changing The World With Your Unique Gifts.

Here Are The Answers To Your Questions...

When Will This 2 DAY LIVE Event Be Held?

This event will be held Oct 18th & 19th (12pm EST - 4pm EST). This masterclass will be from 12pm - 4PM Eastern (9AM - 1PM Pacific Time)

 Will Jennifer Be Doing The Teaching?

Yes - Jennifer will be hosting the WHOLE event.

 Will There Be Recordings If I Can't Make It Live?

Yes! There will be recordings available but they will only be available for 3 days after the event finishes unless you choose LIFETIME ACCESS in the next step

Do I Need To Already Know What My Passion Is For This To Be Of Value To Me?

No. That is actually the first thing you will learn at the event: How To Unlock What's Inside Your Heart And Soul.

Copyright 1996-2024 - TheGoodwinMethod™️

Copyright © 1996-2024· Jennifer Goodwin Companies ®
Jennifer Goodwin can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. 
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.